Monday, March 8, 2010

New Adventures with old friends...

Hi everyone, Trimoon here! Starlin invited me to join this little project and to post comments and experiences on coming back to Everquest 2 with Starlin and the grand new adventures that we will sure to be having in this massive game.

A bit about myself, Trimoon has been my "handle" if you will through nearly all my pen and paper, MUD, Online gaming, MMORPG experiences to date. Over time I have wandered into the likes of UO, EQ, EQ:OA, EQ2, WoW, EvE, CoX, Champions Online, STO, Warhammer, Age of Conan... the list goes on and on and beta'd nearly all of them.

I meet Starlin Nearly 6 years ago when starting my first adventures in Everquest 2 on the AB server under a guild named Angels of Light. I had started this guild with a few like minded people and our leader Boglwe. At that time there was so much going on in EQ2 so many flaws and bugs like that which plague nearly every MMO launch and with the issues of running a guild and never playing the game I became disinterested in EQ2 rather quickly, with a friend of Starlin's playing WoW, I was invited to come check the game out after beta and give it a whirl... I remained there for nearly 5 years and had the pleasure of gaming with some of the most incredible people to whom I am still friends with to this day - yet the ugly pleasure of playing with some of the most horrible excuses of human life I have ever known as well...

I have formed guilds, ran them, been apart of them for going on 12+ years and one of the best aspects of this is the people that you meet and make life long friendships with along the way.

With now now being 31, married, my wife giving birth to my amazing son 7 months ago it has been a turbulent ride to say the least, real life will always come first and with my son being born I retired from gaming for a bit. Coming back to the gaming scene everyone I was gaming with was still in WoW, so I reinstalled the folders, activated my subscription and logged in. Some great strides have been done to WoW - yet at the same time there is no thought process to the game any longer. The more time I spent away from it, the only thing that I had missed was the people I played with and nothing else.

One day a few weeks ago I received my SOE newsletter and behold yet another new expansion to the everquest 2 realm. I decided to get the expansion and take a peek. What I saw was an entirely new game... not completely mindless yet not so overbearing that a husband and father could not play. A huge world with so many new adventures to be had and breath-taking scenery to be discovered!!!

I contacted starlin and said why dont we try the new expansion and give EQ2 another spin... within seconds I got a response email back saying, already ordered and re-installing now...

Since we have been back we have traversed an old guilds halls to find that no one has truly been on in that guild for 3months plus, and the server feeling a bit ghostly. So we set out on a new adventure to see how our old server AB was doing - come to find out it is the most populated and character rich server in the game (wasn't this way in the beginning). We quickly made new characters and began our new adventures on AB. Finding a new home with an amazing group of like minded players - The Black hawks and now the adventure continues...

NOW... I have a massive case of not being able to focus on one character - ever. This drives starlin quite insane! I need to try every combination out there till I get a feel for what I like, currently I have chosen the Dirge and the Shadow knight as my main two characters. Amazing game play and the dirge is truly challenging with multiple mobs on top of him! I have been fighting with the conj class but not due to any issues with the class, just due to the fact that I hate waiting, and need to be right on in there during combat.

Well I guess that is it for now, further adventures of Trimoon - Ukast and Darkvoice will continue as I finally progress out of the starter zones... for which I am sure that starlin is finally doing a happy dance too as I have finally made up my mind!! HA HA!